David’s latest work, published in Communications Biology, has reached national press, helping to make the research more accessible and understandable to a broader audience. The articles highlight the identification of…
Broadcast channels such as Canal Sur TV covered the workshops and activities held for the European Researchers’ Night. Our researcher Montserrat Grifé explains the key points of the workshop «Cultivate,…
We’re glad to announce that ALBA Synchrotron approved our proposal «SR-IMS to study the role of Bacillus extracellular-matrix components in plant-bacteria interaction for sustainable agriculture»!. Montserrat Grifé Ruiz, as main…
Doctoral Thesis titled «Functional amyloids, the architectural conductors of the extracellular matrix assembly in Bacillus cereus» directed by Diego Romero and Antonio de Vicente Moreno. Congratulations to Ana from the…
Doctoral Thesis titled «Molecular mechanisms and ecological significance of the Bacillus subtilis extracellular matrix in the mutualism with plants» directed by Diego Romero and Carlos Molina. Congratulations to María from…
Las nuevas funciones de una proteína para la agricultura sostenible cronica-universitaria-27-10-2020.pdf
Reportaje del programa Tesis, de Canal Sur,sobre el trabajo del investigador del IHSM, Diego Romero, y su equipo del laboratorio Bacbio, con bacterias para mejorar la salud de las…